nedelja, 19. januar 2014

Nekaj casa sem bila na twitterju nato pa mi je zazvonil telefon.
Vzela sem telefon in vidla daa me klice...
ja JUSTIN me je klical no oglasila sem se:
Justin:sweety are yuo ready cuz I'm waiting you to barcaffe?
Justin:yea is a problem?
Kylie:noo but you have to wait me because I will go now to my room to wear something then I will come, okay?
Justin:okay sweety
Kylie:okay bye now
Justin:Bye sweety
Kylie:what?(sem prestraseno rekla)
Justin:ahha  nothin I just want to tell you that I love you
Kylie:ugh I hate you Justin!
Justin:hha I know you love me
Kylie:ahah if you say then...
Kylie:Then bye
zaklenila sem telefon ter odsla v svojo seobo ter si naredila nek make up in se problekla.
Oblekla sem to :

No odsla sem do Kendall ter ji povedla kam grem in odsla.
Vozila sem se kaksnih pol urce in prispela v tistem baru kjer sva se za Justinom zmenila.
Ko sem prispela v baru sem zacela iskati Justina.
Nato pa sem ga koncno zagledala.Bil je sam v enem kotu in brskal je po telefonu.
Odsla sem zraven njega :
Kylie:khm,khm mr.Bieber how are you?
Justin:ahh you finally come! (vstal je ter me objel)Nekaj  casa sva bila objeta nato sva se usedla vsak v svojo stran.apc sedela sva tko:

no vsedla sva se nato pa zacela se pogovarjat
Kylie:how are u?
Juustin:I'm fine you? ...woww you look really so beautiful
Kylie:aww thankyou, you too <3
Justin je imel obleceno to:

No narocila sva nekaj za pit jst sem narocila kokakolo medtem ko Justin je narocil Sprite.
Pogovarjala sva se naprej nato pa sem se spomnila da Justin mi je hotel nekaj povedat vceraj zato sem mu rekla:
Kylie:Justin what do you wanted to tell me something last night?
Justin:uh am yea I really missed you soo much and ..
Justin:I jsut want to know what was the reason why you cry on the Victoria's secret 'concert'?
Kylie:Okay I will tell you
Pac povedla sem mu usee do konca nato pa me je ustavil in primel za roko in vprasal drugo vprasanje ta je bila najbrz bolj 'tezka' pac nisem vedla kako naj bi mu odgovorila..
No vprasal me je:
Justin:amm Kylie can i ask you one more question?
Justin:an what was the reason that you cut yourself?
Kylie:ahh Justin I don't know how to tell you I mean..
Justin(ustavil me je) yes I know it's maybee private but i really want to know everything about you.
Kylie:why Justin? why you care so much for me I mean i just a  normal girl who cute herself and smoke and... (mi ni niti dovolil da koncam besedo,primel me je za obraz ter me poljubil)
Nekaj casa sva se poljubila nato pa:
Justin:wow you're really good kisser ahha
Kylie:ahh tell me something that i don't know ahah
Justin:ahahah I don't know that you know you was a good kisser
Kylie:ahah but anyway tell me Justin,anwers me
Justin:Kylie I think i really fell .... in love with you
Kylie:nonono that's impossible I mean Justin you famous,and beautiful and you're really good person
Justin:Kylie that's not importan I just want to be with you now and forever
Gledala sem ga naprej pac res nisem razumela zakaj sem mu vsec in zakaj je zainteresiran za mene on je slaven in lep in dober clovek in lahko bi hodil z vsako punco mislim z 100x lepso punco od mene,.. No to sploh ni pomembno pac nevem kako naj vam povem.
Justin je nadeljeval
Justin:pleaseee give me one chance(moznost,pac nevem kak se pise aahah)pleasee
nekaj casa sem bila tiho in razmisljala kajti nisem vedla kako mu odgovorim.res noro zaljublljena sem bila v njega samo nevem...razmilsjala sem nekaj casa nato mu odgovorila
Kylie:Justin i need some time I need to think about it,cuz you know I broke up with Tilen like
days ago and It's hard cuz I love him...
Gledal je zalostno v tla zato sem nadeljevala
Kylie:I don't know how to tell you, I just hope that you understand me
nekaj casa je bil tiho nato se obrnil proti meni ter rekel:
Justin:am yes I understand you I know how hard it's for you and i get it that you need some time for yourself.
Rekel je to ter se mi sladko nasmehnil:

Nekaj casa sva se se pogovarjala nato pa odsla doma.
no one me je pripeljal do doma nato sva se se pozdravila (poljubljala,objela,itd.) nato je vozil naprej pac odsel je doma.
No ko sem prisla domov sem odsla v dnevno sobo tam ni bilo nobenega zato sem hitro tekla do svoje sobe.

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