torek, 28. januar 2014

Zjutraj sem vsala in Justina ni bilo zraven mene.Vstala sem ter si zavezala lase,si naredila sop ter odsla v kuhinjo kjer sta me  ze cakala Kendall in Alfredo.
Ko sem odsla v kuhinjo sem vidla da  Kendall in Alfredo se poljubila.Nic nisem rekla samo sla sem zraven niju in ju objela in rekla:
Kylie:aww my babies <3
Alfredo:hey your soo  young to such things ahah
Kylie:I'm 18 and I'm not baby anymore
Alfredo:You're baby
Kylie:No I'm not (sem mu zalostno rekla in mu vrgla povšter v glavo in tekla on je vstal in tekel za mano)
Medtem ko sem tekla sem ga tudi izivala rekla sem mu:
ahah to ga je zelo zivciralo in tekel je hitrejse.
Utrujena sem bila zato sem se vstavila in se vsedla v kaucu zraven Kendall,on je prisel pred mano in me zacel zgeckat ter mi rekel:
Alfredo:oo swetty what's wrong with u? hahaha
Kylie:hahaha nothing just stop pleasee (sem rekla v smehu)
Alfredo:No I won't stop
Nic ni rekel le naprej me je zgeckal nato pa sem mu rekla
Kylie:If you love my sister Kendall stop it
Alfredo:amm yes I love your sister but I won't stop
Kylie:Pleasee,Kendall help mee
Kendall je vstala ter ga nekako 'povlekla'  k sebi in ga poljubila -.-
Kylie:Thank you God I'm alive
Alfredo:of course you are but If you do this one more time  you will die ahaha
Kylie:oh really? I'm soo scared
Alfredo:yea I know ahha
Kylie:I'm sooo hungryy
Kendall:yea me too
Alfredo:yes but we have to wait Justin
Kylie:by the way where is Justin?
Alfredo:He go to Mc'Donalds for buy something for eat
Alfredo:yah why not?
Kylie:It's that possible?
Alfredo:yes lol
Kylie:I mean really?
Alfredo:yes I swear
Nisem mogla vrjet zato sem sse obrnila proti Kendall ter ji rekla:
Kylie:kaj res bomo jedli za zajterk nekaj od Mc'Donalds,WTF A JE TO SPLOH MOGOCE?!
Kendall:Ja zakaj da nebi?o.O
Kylie:Tko nezdravo bomo jedli al kaj? o.O
Kendall:jojj Kylie sej ti nikoli ne jes zdravo haha
Kylie:ahah ne danes bom zacela shujsat
Kendall:ahhahahahahahahahahahha kaj? ti shujsat? NEVER
Kendall:pa kaj si neumna?
Kendall:sej si suha,zelo lepo  postavo imas lol nimas kaj shujst
Kylie:ahh sej vem lol samo zajabavala sem se hotela hahaaha
Kendall:and you think that I believe?
Kylie:well yes
Kendall:ze prej grem jst shujst kot ti,ti si to much lena za to
Kylie:ahaha yes I know
Medtem ko sva se pogovarjala naju je Alfedo le cudno gledal nato je pa rekel:
Alfredo:okay yes I understand all haha
kylie:haha yes we know that's the way why we talk in slovenian
Nekaj casa smo se pogovarjali nato pa je Justin prisel:
Justin:ahah nothing lol I just want to know how will u react haahha
Alfredo je sel proti Justinu in mu vzel eno vrecko od Donalds-a :
Alfedo:Give me this!
Justin:hey that's not for you!
Alfredo:for who is that?
Justin:For my beautiful baby
Alfedo ni nic rekel le cudno ga je gladal
Justin:yeah that'sfor one the most beautiful girl in the world (ko je to rekel so me vsi gledali in rekli)'FOR KYLIE?'
Justin:well yes that's for my baby Kylie(prisel je zraven mene ter me dvignil in me objel ter poljubil):

Kylie:aww thank you baby <3 (Nekaj casa sva se poljubila nato je Alfredo rekel):
Alfedo:khm khm guys you 2 are not alone!
Nic mu nisva rekla le poljubila sva se naprej nato pa je prisel zraven Justina in ga malo ruknil in rekel:
Alfedo:Can you please give my Mc'Donalds cuz I'm soo hungryy
Justin:okay wait a minute please
Alfedo:I can't wait
Justin:ugh you're so rude -.-
Alfedo:and hungry too haahha
Kylie:haha You're stupid Alfedo
Alfedo:aww thank you I love you too
No vsedli smo se za mizo ter jedli.Jst sem sedela zraven Justina in Kendall je sedela zrave Alfredota.
Medtem ko smo jedli:
Alfredo:soo Justin you look so tired,..What you could not sleep last night or,...Kylie do not let you to sleep :)
Justin:yep Kylie would like to have some fun with me so we 2 had fun that's all (rekel je to ter me pogledal)
Alfedo:well how it was?
Justin:It was greate I  have never thought that she would be so great to bed.
Kylie:Justin what are you talking about?
Justin:ahha about last night sweety,we 2 had alot of fun right?
Kylie:of course we had hahaha
Alfedo:well i see ;)

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